
Photographic Maps

Photographic Maps of the Primates, Warthogs, Dik-Diks and Hyrax of Africa: A Tool for Identification and Conservation

The design and implementation of effective conservation measures for primates, warthogs and hyraxes requires an efficient, low cost, and accessible resource for the identification of species and subspecies. Although photographs cannot replace an adequate museum collection as a resource for assessing species variation, geotagged photographs are a relatively fast, inexpensive, convenient, and unobtrusive means for detecting and assessing phenotypic variation within a species/subspecies over large areas. The use of photographs to document phenotypic characters will become increasingly important as the collection of specimens for hands-on assessments becomes ever more difficult.

Our 14 newly up-graded on-line photographic maps (or ‘PhotoMaps’; wildsolutions.nl), with over 2400 images (September 2016) of African primates, warthogs and hyraxes, together with the latest distribution maps, provide insight into each taxon’s  phenotypic characters, diversity and biogeography. These ‘living’ collections of geotagged images are a practical tool for documenting and discussing diversity, taxonomy, biogeography, distribution and conservation status and, therefore, for planning actions for conservation.

Access the Photographic Map of your choice below!

PhotoMaps are useful to those who want to:
  • identify species/subspecies;
  • know which species/subspecies occur in which areas;
  • obtain species/subspecies photographs ;
  • confirm species distribution;
  • describe variation within a species/subspecies, especially as it relates to geographic distribution.

If you have photographs of African primates, warthogs or hyraxes from the less documented areas of Africa (i.e., gaps on the PhotoMaps), please consider contributing them to the PhotoMaps. The photographers name is attached to each photograph. Anyone wishing to use a PhotoMap photograph must obtain both permission and the photograph from the photographer.

Send your photographs, and the coordinates and/or place name of the site where the photographs were obtained, to yvonne@wildsolutions.nl

We thank Arnoud de Jong for his technical expertise and great help with the PhotoMaps!


De Jong, Y.A. & Butynski, T.M. 2010. Photographic Maps of the Primates of Kenya and Tanzania: A Tool for Identification and Conservation. Primate Conservation 25: 27-32. Download here

De Jong, Y.A. & Butynski, T.M.  2010. Request for Photographs of the Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis) in the Middle East. Wildlife Middle East Newsletter 4 (4): 9-10. Download here

Kolb's monkey (Cercopithecus mitis kolbi) at  Aberdares National Park, Kenya

Kolb’s monkey (Cercopithecus mitis kolbi) at Aberdares National Park, Kenya

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