
Rungwe galago (Paragalago sp. nov. 3)

orinus´ group, Mount Rungwe, Tanzania 

Several populations of scaling callers with distinctive vocal profiles have been identified (Mugesse, Misuku Hills, Malawi; Taita Hills, Kenya, Uluguru, E Uzambaras, Tanzania etc.)

Scaling caller

Social cohesion

Scaling call Mount Rungwe, Tanzania
By A. Perkin
Advertising call of both males and females. Double and sometimes triple units, rising and falling in intensity (scaling up and down) and usually repeated 6-8 times. Emphasis on first unit
Scaling call Mount Rungwe, Tanzania
By A. Perkin
Advertising call of both males and females. Double and sometimes triple units, rising and falling in intensity (scaling up and down) and usually repeated 6-8 times. Emphasis on first unit

Anxiety and alarm

Grunts and buzz Mount Rungwe, Tanzania
By A. Perkin
Grunts and buzzes heard alone or with other calls
Yaps/chips Mount Rungwe, Tanzania
By A. Perkin
Rapid and/or slower regular sharp chips/yaps alone in long sequences + with other calls. Subsiding and increasing in intensity
Yaps/chips Mount Rungwe, Tanzania
By A. Perkin
Rapid and/or slower regular sharp chips/yaps alone in long sequences + with other calls. Subsiding and increasing in intensity
Zip shrieks with grunts and yaps Mount Rungwe, Tanzania
By A. Perkin
Scolding rapid screech series (vibrant) in alarm situations. Often mixed with sharp yaps/chips. The frantic, vibrating upward sweeping screech units have a zipping quality and seem like extended versions of the yaps. Sometimes in chorus (also called sweeping yaps) + grunts. Sometimes double units audible and visible on spectrogram. Very common
Accelerating chatter Mount Rungwe, Tanzania
By A. Perkin
Accelerating chatter in short sequences that are repeated
Descending shrieks/screeches Mount Rungwe, Tanzania
By A. Perkin
Descending shrieks/screeches in series of 2-20 units = wailing shrieks + shrill yaps. Repeated many times

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